Please complete the appropriate form based on the service you are requesting. Click on the links below to download the form and fill in the requested information. This can be done either in the PDF form or you can print and complete by hand. Completed forms can be submitted to Family Solutions Inc by email or faxed to 866-227-6894.
Supervised Visitation / Supervised Transfer
Guidelines & Agreement - Please contact us for latest information.
Worksheet - Completed by Resident or Visiting Parent to schedule supervised visitations.
Property Exchange / Property Inventory
Guidelines & Agreement - sign, date, and submit this form to schedule assistance for either a property exchange or property inventory.
Worksheet - sign, date, and submit this form to schedule assistance for either a property exchange or property inventory.
Generally court orders are in place prior to the property exchange and will be strictly enforced by F.S.I. All property exchanges will be evaluated by F.S.I. prior to the exchange date and recommendations to our client will be provided in attempts to limit conflict. Please provide specific concerns and needs directly to Family Solutions Inc..